A-Z Index


Common terminology related to the Cascade CMS and university web templates. 

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


  • Accessibility:所有个体的能力, 包括残疾人士, 理解并与网站互动.
  • Action Toolbar:当在CMS中选择资产时,包含可用操作的菜单. More on the Action Toolbar.
  • Alt文本(也称为图像描述):向页面添加图像时所需的输入字段. 在图片无法加载的情况下需要Alt文本. 它也是需要的 无障碍标准,因为视障人士无法看到图像. Alt文本提供了图像所在位置的描述性文本.
  • Analytics: See web analytics.
  • Anchor, Anchor Link: Anchors are used to designate specific areas on a page which can be linked to directly. Anchors are defined using the Section or Grid ID fields available in content areas of pages. 当一个锚被指定后,一个 anchor link 它可以被创建.
  • Asset, Asset Tree资产是指页面、文件夹和文件(pdf、Word文档等).),构成CMS中的网站. The Asset Tree CMS界面的左列是显示资产的吗. 
  • 资产的工厂: "Shortcuts" used to create assets from scratch or be based on an existing pre-configured base asset. 这些帮助用户更快地完成工作. More on 资产的工厂


  • Back-end: The CMS software used to build sites, only accessible to authorized website managers.
  • Base Assets:每个CMS站点中都有页面和资产示例. More on base assets.
  • Base Folder的最上面的文件夹 Asset Tree containing the entire site; the folder with the site's name in the CMS
  • Batch Actions:可以同时在多个资产上执行的操作. More on batch actions.
  • Blocks: "reusable assets" that can be placed into a template or section of multiple pages. This allows content to appear in many pages while always being updated from one place, 使跨多个页面保持一致性变得容易. Cascade users can reuse a single block on an unlimited amount of page regions.
  • 面包屑链接:提供以下链接 navigation on pages. They appear as a string of horizontal links above the first content area and are provided to reference a page's location in relation to the home page.


  • Call to Action一组单词, 通常用作链接, to drive users to perform a specific task such as "Apply Now" or "Donate Today.“行动召唤按钮样式(btn)是可用的,当 creating links.
  • Cascade CMS: CMS服务使用的软件.
  • Chooser: A tool in the CMS for selecting an asset while performing a task such adding an image or linking to a page. More on the Chooser.
  • CMS: Abbreviation for Content Management System, the web application used to build websites.
  • Context Menu: A menu with available actions when right-clicking on an asset in the CMS. More on the Context Menu.
  • 托管人/贡献者: Cascade中的用户角色. Contributors (editors) are those who make changes and maintain content of a site. 保管人(管理员)将审查内容并可以发布编辑. 如果一个网站没有保管人,网络团队就会扮演这个角色. 


  • Dashboard: The home area in the CMS containing widgets (tools) to help facilitate site management. More on the Dashboard.
  • 数据定义: 用于创建内容的字段集合. Data Definitions allow users to enter content in a series of form fields to create structured pages without the need for additional formatting. 有15种类型的输入,包括 WYSIWYG (“所见即所得”)富文本字段, checkboxes, radio buttons, 多选择和下拉列表, 以及引用Cascade CMS中管理的内容的页面和文件选择器.


  • Expand/Collapse: A feature of the accordions which provides a method to display content in an initially collapsed (hidden) state with a clickable link to expand it. More on accordions.


  • Front-end: The public-facing website available to website visitors; the front-end is accessed by visiting a site's official URL.


  • 谷歌分析: The service provided for measurement and analysis of website visitor data. More on web analytics.
  • Grid: A preformatted design used for page layout consisting of boxes of content. 网格可用于多个模板.


  • Hamburger Menu:由三条水平线表示的菜单. 菜单上有一份汉堡包菜单 模板前端 (用于访问站点导航) and the CMS的后端(用于访问系统菜单).
  • Header/Hero一页顶部的大字体. 它可能包含随机或用户定义的照片,或者 站点模板,选项还包括功能旋转器或销售点. More on the Header.
  • HTML/CSS: HTML is the standard markup language for web pages and CSS is used to design and format the layout of a webpage.


  • Index Page: The landing or main page of a folder; all folders that should be included in the navigation are required to have a page with a system name of index (all lowercase). 
  • Indexing: The process of including assets in elements that are auto-generated such as the navigation; when indexing is disabled on an asset, it will no longer be included in the auto-generated elements; breadcrumb links are also turned off on pages.


  • Navigation: The functionality to traverse a site using menus that are available on every page. 每个站点上的导航都使用名为 presets


  • Parent Folder: The folder in which an asset resides; assets within a folder are referred to as its children assets.
  • Presets:可重复使用的块,用于构建导航页眉和页脚元素. More on presets.
  • 生产服务器: The web server in which a live website resides and is available to website visitors after site launch. 更多关于服务器的信息,请参阅 发布过程.
  • Publish:将内容从CMS推送到web服务器的行为. More on publishing.


  • 响应式(也适合移动设备): The ability for a website or web application to adapt to multiple platforms, devices, 和显示尺寸,以提供最好的用户体验. 大学模板和CMS都是响应性的.


  • 搜索引擎优化(SEO): The process of making a website easier to find via internet search engines, such as Google or Bing. More on 搜索引擎优化.
  • 节(又名组或面板)标题: A group label in the page edit interface for a section such as panel, accordion, etc. 更多关于章节标题的内容 编辑专业模板页面.
  • Siteimprove: a software tool the university uses that provides cloud-based services for departments to make their websites better. More on Siteimprove.
  • Sitemap: 用于网站的规划, this is a tool to help organize pages and establish the intended hierarchy. 查看更多和一个例子 sitemaps.
  • Site Skeleton: 本质上是原型或基础. 它是网站表面之下的“骨架结构”. 就像你身体里的骨头, your prototype is what gives your website form and must be in place before the outer layer is made.
  • 站点模板:目前最灵活的专业模板. 非常适合网站的登陆页, it can be heavily customized and quickly connected to interior content pages. 它的灵活性允许它包含功能, 促销活动的和记娱乐ios, 更新和其他重要信息. See more 可用的页面模板


  • Tag Path底部的参考工具 WYSIWYG which displays the HTML elements as you work on them (such as a paragraph or link); it also allows you to select a tag and apply a style. 更多关于所见即所得编辑器和 tag paths.
  • 模板(或页面类型): A set of data definitions formatted and used for a specific type of content. The university maintains two primary kinds of templates, a basic option and our specialty variations. More on 模板选项.
  • Test Server: A web server in which to publish content to for previewing and testing purposes; available to use with all sites. 更多关于服务器的信息,请参阅 发布过程.


  • URL: A website's address; most CMS website URLs begin with
  • Users: Typically used to reference website contributors (editors) and custodians (managers), i.e.,管理网站的CMS用户.
  • User Menu: A menu in the CMS with system settings, history, notifications, and more. More on the User Menu.


  • Versions:层叠CMS存档网页或资产的以前版本. Should you overwrite or lose valuable information, the webteam may be able to help recover. More on versions.


  • Web Analytics: The measurement and analysis of website visitor data for the purpose of understanding and optimizing web usage. More on web analytics.
  • Web Search:大学的网页搜索工具已纳入所有CMS网站.
  • 网站访问者: Your website's audience; visitors who access your site via the official URL.
  • Widget:仪表板上提供的工具,方便管理站点, content, notifications, and more. More on the 级联仪表板.
  • Wireframe: 单个网页或网页元素的“模型”. 网站团队将在构建页面时引用这些. 更多关于线框图 网页规划工具
  • WYSIWYG: Acronym for "what you see is what you get"; an open content area for text, images, media and more. More on the WYSIWYG.